Final score at Enbridge pipeline hearings: 1,159 to 2

Northern citizens say tally shows overwhelming opposition to Northern Gateway

On Friday, the Joint Review Panel looking into Enbridge’s proposed Northern Gateway Pipeline wrapped up its hearings in communities across B.C. Of the 1,161 people who delivered oral presentations to the panel, only two expressed support for the Enbridge project.

“British Columbians have delivered a message of overwhelming opposition,” said Gerald Amos, chair of Friends of Wild Salmon. “It will be difficult, if not impossible, for the panel to suggest that the Enbridge pipeline has popular support.”

The Joint Review Panel held hearings in a number of northern communities along the pipeline route, including Smithers, Burns Lake, Fort St. James, Kitimat, Prince George and Prince Rupert.

“The panel heard from over 500 passionate, articulate northern residents from all ages and backgrounds who want to see future generations grow up here and enjoy wild salmon and clean water,” said Amos. “People told the panel very clearly that an oil pipeline is not part of the future they envision for their region.”

Currently, the Joint Review Panel is completing its final technical hearings phase in Prince Rupert. It is scheduled to complete its work in December 2013.

Summaries of the oral statements delivered in northern communities can be viewed on the Northwest Institute website:

For more information, contact:
Gerald Amos, Chair, Friends of Wild Salmon: 250-632-1521
Pat Moss, Coordinator, Friends of Wild Salmon: 250-877-9745

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