Greens paint B.C. Liberals into a bit of a corner on Enbridge

Deputy leader says 'the province did an outstanding job' on rejection of proposal to transport Alberta bitumen by pipeline to Kitimat

The B.C. Liberal review of Enbridge's Northern Gateway project drew praise from an unexpected quarter Wednesday, as the province's two leading Green party politicians held a press conference in the provincial capital.

"Superb" was the characterization of Andrew Weaver, the first and only Green member of the legislature and deputy leader of the B.C. party. "The province did an outstanding job."

"Full marks for a very thorough review by the B.C. government," agreed Elizabeth May, the country's first Green MP, leader of the national party and, like Weaver, representative for a constituency in the provincial capital region.

Both were referring to the B.C. rejection - "the province is not able to support approval of the project" - of the proposal to transport Alberta bitumen by pipeline to Kitimat and by tanker to the open ocean.

Weaver, a UVic professor before he was an MLA, underscored his praise with a lengthy PowerPoint presentation that highlighted what he regarded as the most telling passages in the provincial submission to the panel of the National Energy Board that is reviewing the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway project.

A sampler: "What dilbit (diluted bitumen) will do when it enters water remains unclear. The company recognizes this lack of clarity itself. As was stated by one of its witnesses, 'it is extremely difficult to predict the behaviour of this product.' "What does appear to be common ground is that dilbit will sink if it becomes heavier than water; one way that this may occur is if it comes into contact with sediment. In fact, the company acknowledges that the fraction of the total oil volume that sinks can exceed 50 per cent.

"A number of experts representing Environment Canada and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans have opined that the effects of an oil spill into the marine environment can persist for decades.

"There is serious reason to question the company's ability to respond to a spill ... It has not shown that it will be able to establish a spill response regime capable of responding effectively to spills in the marine environment, let alone one that is 'world-class.' " All by way of backing up Prof. Weaver's own view that the province had, in effect, already said "No" to Northern Gateway by documenting so many reasons why it could not and should not be approved.

But the provincial submission to the joint review panel of the National Energy Board was made public May 31. Why were the Greens highlighting the contents at a press conference three months after the fact? The timing had to do with the big news of the day: the party's release of documentation on a federally financed effort to fill in some of the gaps in scientific knowledge about "dilbit" spills and to beef up monitoring of weather and water data in the region most likely to be affected by a spill.

"Greasing the wheels," May called it in her part of the news conference. "They are backstopping gaps where Enbridge didn't do its homework; they are working on doing the research that would answer questions that the province said needed to be answered." Moreover, by upgrading monitoring of weather patterns, wind and currents, Ottawa was acting as if project approval were "a mere formality" as opposed to one that is still subject to independent review by the National Energy Board.

The evidence was contained in what May characterized as "internal government documents," on a project to "improve our understanding of non-conventional oil and model its behaviour" by "predicting the trajectory of spills."

The project also includes improved inventories and mapping of habitats and shorelines, and updating of hydrographic information, tides, currents, weather and surface winds "along waterways of interest" from Kitimat to Hecate Strait.

All with a view, as one document noted, to providing "support to industry."

The exercise even had a name "the complementary measures project," though lately that has been changed to the "World Class Measures Project," in absurd deference to the notion that the spill response should eventually be, well, you know. The budget was nothing to laugh at - $120 million this year and next, with indications of more outlays to come. Not one penny of which was disclosed in this year's federal budget documents, according to May. That revelation provoked some headshaking among members of the press gallery, accustomed to the line-by-line detail of provincial budgets.

How was it possible to hide a $120-million project in the budget? Easy, May replied. Just funnel the dollars through a bunch of departments and don't let on the actual purpose.

Arguably, the federally financed research could be justified as more trustworthy than if the proponent had done the work in-house. But the Greens were on strong ground in saying that Enbridge, being the main beneficiary, ought to pick up the bill.

As for Weaver, he argued that with Ottawa perhaps angling toward approving the project, it is now more important than ever for B.C. to maintain the strong and unmistakable "No" that was expressed in its submission to the National Energy Board.

In his persuasive reading of the provincial position, the Liberals raised so many profound objections to Northern Gateway that there's no credible basis for them to grope their way back to "Yes."

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