Haida Question Enbridge’s First Nations Consultion in Planning Northern Gateway

Hearings into Enbridge's proposed Northern Gateway project resumed in Prince Rupert yesterday, with questions for company representatives about their consultations with First Nations.

Representatives of the Haida Nation wanted answers about how Enbridge is addressing their land rights in its planning for the pipeline and oil tanker traffic.

Company officials told the Joint Review Panel its project is too far from Haida Gwaii shores to have an impact on the First Nation and Enbridge is not required to do an environmental assessment of the islands.

However, they say, in the unlikely event of an oil spill, compensation would be available for losses such as seafood harvesting.

But Council of the Haida Nation President Peter Lantin says putting a dollar sign on tradition won't suffice and the Haida remain completely opposed to Northern Gateway.

"That can't happen the risk is too great, and we're not looking for financial compensation, we want access in the traditional ways that Haida has always accessed our resources and it is just unacceptable to just throw money in lieu of our accesses it's just not something you can put a price tag on," Lantin told the panel.

This week's hearings will also see representatives of Douglas Channel Watch cross examine Enbridge officials.

Access article here: http://www.cftktv.com/News/Story.aspx?ID=1909398

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