Haisla Nation Cross Examines Enbridge

As the Enbridge JRP Final Hearings continue in Prince Rupert, today's panel saw Haisla Nation cross examine the Northern Gateway proposed pipeline project.

Their questioning focused on marine emergency preparedness plans and marine response plans.

Haisla Nation argued whether or not Enbridge has enough environmental quality and marine species research in place to successfully respond to an oil spill in a timely manner.

But Enbridge's Spokesperson Paul Stanway says they have conducted enough environmental and emergency response research to safely maintain a spill within six to twelve hours after the incident occurs.

"The tethering of all ocean tugs, and those tugs would always have emergency equipment aboard and start to be able to assess and situation right away, so you wouldn't have to wait for emergency teams to get on site. We would start the process immediately. A lot of the discussion has been around our commitment to respond in six to twelve hours and I think people to understand in Canada at the moment the standard is only 24 hours"

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