Hold the Wall with the Yinka Dene Alliance

Will you help hold the wall? http://www.holdthewall.ca/

The federal government will soon make a decision on approving the Enbridge Northern Gateway tar sands pipelines and tankers project.

Yinka Dene Alliance of First Nations is committed to using all lawful means to stop this devastating project from ever being built through our territories, and has joined with other First Nations to create a powerful and unbroken wall of opposition. We are asking you to stand with us to Hold the Wall. SIGN HERE.

In December 2010, First Nations across BC and Alberta came together in a show of unprecedented solidarity to stop the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline by signing the Save the Fraser Declaration.

Representatives of over 130 First Nations throughout BC and Canada are now signatories to this powerful legal document that protects the lands and waters we all rely on from devastating oil spills for all people and all generations.

This is the critical time to show that citizens of British Columbia and Canada stand with First Nations to hold this wall.

We, the First Nations of the Yinka Dene Alliance, continue to steward the lands and waters in our territories according to our ancestral laws.  We have used those laws, expressed in the Save the Fraser Declaration, to ban Enbridge’s Northern Gateway and similar tar sands projects from our territories. Our laws require that we do this to defend the lands and waters we rely on:

"A threat to the Fraser and its headwaters is a threat to all who depend on its health. We will not allow our fish, animals, plants, people and ways of life to be placed at risk.

We have come together to defend these lands and waters from a grave threat: the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines project.

This project, which would link the Tar Sands to Asia through our territories and the headwaters of this great river, and the federal process to approve it, violate our laws, traditions, values and our inherent rights as Indigenous Peoples under international law….

Therefore, in upholding our ancestral laws, Title, Rights and responsibilities, we declare: We will not allow the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines, or similar Tar Sands projects, to cross our lands, territories and watersheds, or the ocean migration routes of Fraser River salmon. Save the Fraser Declaration, 2010"

We and other First Nations are using our lawful authority to protect the land and water from dangerous tar sands projects like Enbridge’s that threaten our way of life and that of future generations. But our collective future remains on a knife’s edge as the federal government considers approving the project.

The time is now when First Nations call on all Canadians to stand with us, in whatever way you can: with your voice, in the streets, or on the land. Can we count on you?

Click below to if you are ready to make a pledge to stand with First Nations in opposition to Enbridge’s Northern Gateway pipelines and tankers project.   

Let’s show that whatever it takes, people of all backgrounds will Hold The Wall along with our First Nations allies. Whatever it takes, we will stop this project from ever being built, together.

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