Northern Gateway plebiscite for Kitimat residents will be influential in pipeline project’s outcome

Residents of Kitimat on the Northern Coast of British Columbia are going to the polls Saturday for an unusual vote on the Northern Gateway oil sands pipeline, the climax of an election-style campaign between builder Enbridge Inc., representing Canada’s oil community, and Douglas Channel Watch, representing the environmental lobby.

With a couple of days to go to the plebiscite, the port city remains deeply divided about whether to welcome the economic boost from the $6.5-billion pipeline to open a new market in Asia for Canada’s oil — or do without the additional tanker traffic and the risk to the area’s environment.

The vote will provide a checkpoint to gauge what matters most to ordinary British Columbians, and perhaps a glimpse into the future, in which highly contentious natural resources projects are put to a vote and decided by the majority.

The plebiscite, called by Kitimat’s council Jan. 16, is non-binding, but its results will influence whether the 10,000-resident community — the most affected by the pipeline because it would house a marine terminal at the end of it that would load oil tankers bound for Asia — recommends approval of Northern Gateway to the federal government, or urges rejection, said Mayor Joanne Monaghan.

The vote “gives the council a good idea of where majority of the people in Kitimat are: Do they want Enbridge, or do they not want Enbridge?” said Ms. Monaghan, who, like the rest of council, has sidestepped the controversy by staying neutral.

Aware of the implications, Enbridge and Douglas Channel Watch have mobilized election-style campaigns and knocked on every door, erected signs on residents’ lawns, advertised in the local media, and held information sessions.

The vote is pitting long-time residents against each other and led to mudslinging over tactics and resources, but so far both sides have behaved well, Ms. Monaghan said.

Spending by Enbridge is “completely disproportionate to what would be allowed, say, in a provincial election,” complained Douglas Channel’s Murray Minchin. “They are trying to buy social licence in Kitimat.”

But with 50 Douglas Channel volunteers on the ground who knocked on every door, Mr. Minchin believes the plebiscite will deliver a ‘no’.

“It would send a huge message, particularly back to Ottawa, that this town of Kitimat, an industrial town born with the aluminum industry, [disagrees with] exporting raw diluted bitumen from the tar sands overseas, and exporting a couple of thousands of refining jobs in Alberta along with it.”

Kitimat, Mr. Minchin noted, is the only city in Canada that gets to vote on the pipeline.

If the result is a ‘yes’, he said it would be highly questionable due to the mismatch between Enbridge’s “bottomless pit of resources” and his group’s reliance on volunteers and small donations.

Enbridge spokesman Ivan Giesbrecht said the campaign provided an opportunity to re-engage with the community and answer questions.

“We are members of this community. We are proud to be here,” he said. “Obviously, we are doing everything we can to make sure people get the information. There is a lot at stake here. We are proposing a minimum of 180 jobs, beyond the hundreds if not thousands of construction jobs in the area.”

Mr. Giesbrecht wouldn’t predict the outcome, but noted the job message is being well-received.

Enbridge has assigned its four local employees and flown in another dozen to run the campaign, including knocking on more than 4,000 doors and hosting two open houses — the first to promote job openings, the second to talk about marine safety, environmental protection and spill response.

Bill Eynon, a long-time resident of Kitimat and vice-president of the Kitimat Economic Development Association, said the project has strong support in the city’s business community, among families hoping for jobs for their children, and among a silent majority that is ready to come forward.

The area needs Northern Gateway, he said.

Kitimat has suffered many boom-and-bust cycles as employers came and went. While liquefied natural gas projects have been proposed, none has made a final commitment to invest. The Northern Gateway pipeline, on the other hand, is ready for construction.

“When you’re in the midst of one of those economic low points, as indeed we are right now, you tend to look more diligently for an opportunity to turn the corner and move forward toward prosperity,” Mr. Eynon said. “And if it’s prosperity for the long term, then it’s so much the better.”

The federal cabinet is expected to decide by mid-year whether to accept a recommendation from regulators to approve the project, with 209 conditions.

Both sides said the plebiscite’s result won’t stop their efforts to influence that final decision.

But Ottawa will have to pay attention to the plebiscite. The vote is being watched by international media, and it would be politically tricky to permit a pipeline that hasn’t won the support of the community that is most impacted, in addition to many British Columbia First Nations.

A yes from Kitimatians, however, would demonstrate that Northern Gateway is finally gaining public acceptance in British Columbia.

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