Why ‘honest broker’ Jim Prentice has his work cut out for him in Northern Gateway talks

In recruiting Jim Prentice to help boost aboriginal support for the Northern Gateway pipeline, proponent Enbridge Inc. and its oil company partners have lined up one of the top guns in the business.

Respected, motivated, with deep knowledge and a rare record of success in resolving complex aboriginal issues, the de-facto secondment of Mr. Prentice from his senior job at CIBC may even mark a new model of corporate social responsibility.

His role: to act as ‘honest broker’ between First Nations in Alberta and British Columbia and Canada’s oil community, for as long as it takes, with no boundaries.

After the project received a positive recommendation from regulators in December, “there was a commitment on the part of the Gateway partners to be open to change and in particular to re-engage First Nations,” Mr. Prentice said in an interview. “What I have been mandated to do is to speak on behalf of the Gateway partners with First Nations. And these are discussions that are of commercial importance, environmental importance … I have essentially been given a freehand to initiate these discussion and move them forward,” he said.

Mr. Prentice will have his work cut out for him so late in Northern Gateway’s tortured lifespan, and entrenched opposition will be hard to turn around.

As Art Sterritt, executive director of British Columbia’s Coastal First Nations, pointed out: “We have been doing this for eight or nine years, and … to bring in somebody like Jim Prentice at this late stage is like a last gasp. It’s like appointing the final undertaker for the project.”

Mr. Sterritt has long maintained that Northern Gateway is dead, no matter how hard proponents try to keep it alive. The federal cabinet is due to hand down a final ruling on whether it can be built by mid-year. But court battles have been launched and others threatened if Ottawa sanctions such an unwanted project.

Mr. Prentice is no stranger to such tough talk and believes a breakthrough is achievable.

“There is a way that it can be done in a manner that respects the environment, and respects the jurisdiction of First Nations, and arrives at really meaningful economic partnerships,” he said. “I have spoken my entire professional life about the importance of doing that.”

Mr. Prentice was one of Stephen Harper’s senior ministers until late 2010, when he stepped down to join CIBC as senior executive vice-president and vice-chairman.

He’s also got 30 years of practice under his belt dealing with aboriginal communities.

His long resume includes negotiating the Residential Schools Settlement Agreement when he was federal Minister of Indian Affairs Northern Development. Before running for public office, he was a lawyer in Calgary specializing in negotiating land claim settlements. He oversaw the Maa-nulth and Tsawwassen First Nation Settlements and the conclusion of the Gwaii Haanas Marine Conservation Area Agreement with the Haida in British Columbia. He served as a commissioner of the Indian Specific Claims Commission.

Mr. Prentice said Northern Gateway partners started discussions with him in December, following the completion of the Northern Gateway regulatory review. CIBC, recognizing the importance of the project, agreed to free him up to focus exclusively on the pipeline, while maintaining his pay.

He will be spending a lot of his time on the ground, meeting with First Nations affected by the project. The work started Tuesday night, with introductory calls to First Nations leaders, including Shawn Atleo, National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations.

It’s a change of pace for the bank executive, but “I believe in the importance of the project to the country and in the importance of the project to First Nations … I intend to see it through.”

Al Monaco, president and CEO of Enbridge, said the company has made strides to increase support in recent months and Mr. Prentice’s recruitment is a recognition that more needs to be done to build trust between aboriginals and industry, independently of what the government is doing. So far, 26 aboriginal communities have signed on to be equity partners.

“I don’t think this is too late at all,” he said. “It’s a very complicated project. There have been a number of challenges. Just like the [regulatory review] was a step, this is another step. It means that we are working even harder now to build the relationships.”

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